The (1) or (2) signify how important it is that these rules be followed. (1) For not so much. (2) Meaning that they must be followed. Please note that excessive breaking of (1)'s will result in credit deduction, while one breaking of a (2) will result in immediate credit deduction. 

  1. Respect your superiors. They have been through the same stuff as you. The respect will be returned. (1)
  2. No Team killing at all. Unless its in a custom games that we're all messing around in. (2)
  3. Minimal Racism and Minimal trash talking. (1)
  4. Keep your emblem on at all times unless to are told otherwise by a clan leader. For Call of Duty players, that means (TFF) as your clan tag. Halo players have their own emblem. (1)
  5. Clan members that are inactive for more than 3 weeks (21 days) without a good reason, will be removed from the clan roster. (2)
  6. Come to every event possible. (1)
  7. No spying of any type towards any clan. (2)
  8. No spying in this clan either or you will be dishonorably discharged.
  9. Respect all members or risk demotion. Here at Team FireFox, we strive to respect any member - no matter their level. (2)
  10. Lying about how many credits you have or your rank is prohibited. (1)
  11. Flame or flame baiting members is prohibited on the highest level. If you are angry with someone, leave the channel to take a breather. If they annoy you, request that they stop or just leave the channel for a while. You dont have to like a person, but at least respect them. 
  12. You cannot change your gamertag without consultation from Holy Invoker. (2)

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